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Application of Rustis

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:01 am
by Rustis
Nick Name:
Steam Account: rustis1
TaleWorlds Forum User Name (if available): CAVETROLL
Age: 19 I hope
Location/ Country: Ice cold Finland baby
What can you tell us about yourself? What could I tell...What would you trust that is the question! I'm young guy with meny dreams wich haven't come true at all I'm studying as forestworker (soonly as forestmachine operator) I'm school guy and I drink alot Remy Martin + Jameson whiskey I love Oli and Chat have visited them in real life talked alot of things so im good old friend also i'm clanless at the moment and I wish not to serve clans who wants to get to the top of division!
Why do you want to join Cheshire Cats? Well Im not cat person mostly dog person but as a friend I shall be on your side! (If POSSIBLE )
Are you in line with our clan policy and agree to our rules?
Was there some rules aswell?!! O.O Well......Yes!!!

Re: Application of Rustis

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:54 pm
by Madhatter
For what it's worth,

I can totally support this application. I know Rustis and can vouch for his character.

Join me for a tea party. Yours, with rock hard nipples,

The Mad Hatter

Re: Application of Rustis

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:43 pm
by ChatNoir
I welcome Rusti :D

Re: Application of Rustis

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:02 am
by Cheshire Cats
Application accepted!


From now on we call you ... wait ... How shall we call you?

Re: Application of Rustis

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:08 am
by OliESC_Xberg
Welcome!!! :D :D :D :catgrin: