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Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 5:10 pm
by Teh_Slike_Bone
Nick Name: Teh_Slike_Bone

Steam Account: TehSlikeBone

Taleworlds account:i have no TaleWorlds account


Location/Country: Athens, Greece

What can you tell us about your self: i like sports and playing computer games, i know some guitar and i am learning martial arts , also i enjoy playing mount and blade warband

why do you want to join cheshire cats: I dont really know but i like such events on mount and blade

Are you in line with our clan policy and agree to our rules? yes i agree with the clan's rules and policies

Re: Application

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 3:16 pm
by Madhatter

we very much appreciate your application. We assure you that consideration is currently under way. As with all new applicants it is highly recommended that some time be spent getting to know members of CCC, joining our team speak and chatting on steam so that we can understand you better.

We all are mad here,


Re: Application

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 1:41 pm
by Cheshire Cats
Application rejected!

The members discussed this application. We are sorry but the application got rejected. You didn't do anything actively wrong but since most members just never saw you on the servers they use to play on they didn't support the application which automatically lead to a rejection.