Steam Account:
TaleWorlds Forum User Name (if available): Muzzle C
Age: 31
Location/ Country: Helsinki / Finland
Past/other clan memberships: Clan Cameron (CC)
What can you tell us about yourself?
Hmm, there's not much to tell, but lemme give it a try...

I'm a lifetime gamer just as Corgan. Still have C64, Amiga 500, Nes and N64 in my storage. Wii, Ps2, Ps3 and pc are at the use atm

I've enjoyed all kind of game genres, but past few years i've spent most of the time with warband.
I live with my girlfriend and we have 2 cats. I should probably already call her wife, since we've been together for 10 years. Never got married tho..
I work as a carpenter on a tv-prop company. Sometimes i need to work on weekends, but most of the time not.
Pretty much all of my hobbies are somehow involved with pc. I randomly happen to get inspiration on some new software i wanna learn..
I've practiced Photoshopping, video editing, scripting, music composing, 3d modeling, cad drawing, web designing... All sort of shit..
So in short you could say my hobby is PC

Another "not so proud" thing i happen to do fairly often is get drunk. eh... Never really gotten fully grown up, so i still like to have some drinks with the friends at weekends. I suppose it's needless to say that i don't have kids on my own.
I've played warband for quite long. I bought my copy at the local gaming store, so i own it hard cased.
Currently i have 2000hrs played.
You could think that i'm über stronk with those hours, but nah.. I usually play at Wolfpack_den, ZHG siege, or some random DM server.
I feel like the skills stops developing at certain point, if you don't have very good players as your enemies. I quite rarely step on IG, and when i do i usually score 1/1 kd ratio.
As it is obvious, i still am a CC member.
Galamad misunderstood that i was the founder of Clan Cameron. I'm not.
I joined CC back in 2011 i think. Back then there was a guy called Scotland as a leader. As i recall, he was the founder.
We we're a competitive clan for a while. Scotland arranged a lot of action for us, but he was a bit too eager to win. After we lost enough scrims, Scotland got so frustrated that he left the clan. After him there was a guy called Tarimoth in charge.
Tarimoth is well known for his Nord Invasion clan, which is also called CC. NI was the thing that took too much of his attention, so he didn't have the time for our native clan. This was when the competitive side of our clan died.
About half a year later guy named Lars took charge with me aside.
Lars pretty much had the last word on battlefields, but i took care of thing outside the game.. Such as arranging things, steamgroup and forums.
For the last year our clan has been very inactive. Events we've had can be easily calculated by one hand. Only one guy besides me is still playing regularly under CC tag.
I've got a Youtube channel with some of my edited CC clips.. Mostly the private dueling tournaments we had.
Check some of the newest videos, where i began to know how to edit

I'm currently hosting 2 servers. CC_Knifeparty (DM, 20slots) and Clan_Cameron (TDM, 30slots).
CC_Knifeparty is a server with a small mod. I wanted to try my hands on the module system, so i came up with it. Have a try if you never visited.
Clan_Cameron was supposed to be a place for our clan to have private events. As said, we don't have them anymore, so it's just running public nonstop.
I've also made a few scenes, but can't remember if any of them are on the server's map rotation..
Now comes the downside.

I do not have a microphone.
Reason for this is as simple as privacy.
As i live in a relationship in a fairly small apartment, i don't have space private enough to talk english

I think i'm gonna order some gaming headphones, but use them only when alone. I must say that i'm alone quite rarely, but still...
It never was a problem with Clan Cameron, but i'd like to be more active ingame.. Writing just doesnt pay off.
Always using TS3 nevertheless..
Also most of the fridays and saturdays i'm off doing something else than playing, but i do play quite actively otherwise..
Why do you want to join Cheshire Cats?
About week ago Sir_Galamad asked me if i wanted to add another C in my tag..
I've been thinking about it and yeah, i suppose.
I miss those private sessions doing something stupid with the guys..
I miss the whole thing on being part of active clan. Also the competitive side.
You guys seem like a mature, fun loving people. I think i'd fit in quite well.
Are you in line with our clan policy and agree to our rules?
No! (whaddaya think?)